¡Confirmado! Ven a encontrarte con THALIA para firmar tu copia de #cadadiamasfuerte en Giron Books en Chicago (1443 West 18th Street Chicago, IL 60608) el Sabado, 12 de Noviembre a las 2pm.
Confirmed! Meet THALIA on Saturday, November 12 at 2pm in Chicago at Giron Books (1443 West 18th Street Chicago, IL 60608) and get your copy of #GrowingStronger signed!
Confirmed! Meet THALIA on Saturday, November 12 at 2pm in Chicago at Giron Books (1443 West 18th Street Chicago, IL 60608) and get your copy of #GrowingStronger signed!
Foto: Mundothalia/Info Facebook.com/thalia